Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snowmaggedon 2012

The kids just get settled back in school and along comes SNOWMAGGEDON 2012!!
Of course, everything shuts down here when there is snow as the infrastructure isn't able to handle snow.  Because we usually only have one good snowfall a year and it usually only lasts a day or two, it is easy to understand why towns and counties don't fork out money and space to store more equipment.
Besides. it is nice to have some more time home with the kids and Keith!

The first day was hardly over a skiff.  But the kids had fun anyway and spent most of the day outside.

Jonas (and various others at different times) filled wheelbarrow loads of snow to haul where he needed it to make a fort.

Alina's snowman, before he fell victim to a snowball fight.

Luckily, we had some ready made hills that are versatile and double as snow runs.

Tessa loved the snow.  She explored it all over, sniffed it and licked it.  Then came in and shivered for an hour and a half.

But then we got dumped on, Big time.    Over night it snowed 12 inches.  That is the most snow I've seen here, ever.

Alina's snow dog.

Luckily, we have our supply of hot chocolate and Keith worked from home.  We hunkered down and sat by the fire.  Ok, I did, mostly.  The kids spent a lot of time outside.  Getting cold and wet and then coming in to have hot chocolate or warm up near the fire.

Jonas made himself a snow shield with gold duct tape.

Miriam making a square snowman for Ryah.  Ryah was not to excited about the snow...

well, she was excited, until she went out into it. She spent most of her time indoors.

This is clean compared to what it usually was.  Usually there was more boots, coats, gloves, socks and snow. 

But that is ok, I can deal with a little extra cleaning to have my kids home.
Loved the extra week off to spend with my kids and Keith!!

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