Thursday, August 26, 2010


Can you tell I can't sleep. This darn coughing is keeping me awake. But it is a blessing because I get to blog and start to record some of the fun we are having.
We purchased a membership (at a good deal) at a pool in a subdevelopment in our ward.  So right off we got to do swimming lessons.  They also got to have lessons through Lacey Parks and Recreation.  So everyone did 2 sessions (except Elijah and Kristina) and with the time and energy commitment that was enough.
This is pretty much what Elijah did, sit on the stairs and play with their toys.  On the second to last day the teacher finally convinced him to let her take him out for a "swim."  Try as she might she couldn't convince him to blow bubbles or put his face in the water in any way.

This is soooooo different for Ryah than last year.  Last year she clung to me like I was the last cookie and didn't relax at all.  But she was able to do bobs and most of the "strokes" that the teacher had her do.  She still didn't do much on her own except bobs, but sooo much better than last year.

Anastasia got very adept at bobs (did a million each day) and got some good beginnings on strokes.  She even dared to take off on her own and not hold on to the side.

Alina pretty much took off on her own.  She did so well that she passed the first level.

Miriam struggled a little bit at first, not being used to swimming.  Then she pretty much took off as well.  She is very comfortable in the water and loves to try new things.

I've saved Jonas and swimming for another post....

Caleb, in level 4 did mostly laps and stroke perfection.  He didn't like it at first and kept trying to get out of it.

Everyone got to jump off the diving board and loved it.  Ryah didn't dare jump by herself but was ok with letting the teacher drop her in.

Miriam's teacher talked like mad to get her to go in head first, she didn't dare, didn't dare.  He offered to pull her in by her hands and she let him.  But then promptly got out, she was done for the day.  But the next day she was a diving mad man.  Over and over she kept diving in.

With all the lessons we pretty much spent all morning at the pool. I would do the hair of the ones not swimming.

Even Elijah talked soemone into doing his hair.
We intended on going to Open Swim and Family Swim quite a few times but it has only been recently that we have even been able to make it.  But boy, we have sure milked it for all it is worth since then and have had a blast!!  Even Elijah can (with a life jacket) swim independantly.  Our membership has been well worth it!!  We'll have to do it again next year.

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