Monday, August 16, 2010

Jeeper, Creeper check out this peeper

I know, I've been horrible at blogging.  Just havent' felt like it.  After school starts you'll probably get a wave of blog posts, in an effort to alleviate the lonliness. 


Poor Elijah!

Saturday, the kind friends who watched Caleb, Jonas and Miriam while we went to Ukraine offered to watch kids while Keith and I went out for a belated Anniversary celebration.  They had a big party planned; picnic, marshmellows, games the whole nine yards.  Apparently everyone had a blast... including the mosquitoes.  One got Elijah just below the eye.  We noticed it when we picked them up.  it was starting to get a little swollen.  Having had this scenario more times than I can count, I wasn't too worried.
Saturday it was worse. This is what it looked like. 

I was concerned as almost  before our eyes it just kept getting bigger and redder.  It didn't seem to bother him much, other than he had to look over it to see anything.  About early afternoon we got concerned and  called the ask-a-nurse hotline for our insurance.  She said because of the location that we should take him to the urgent care/ ER within an hour. For personal reasons we to patronize St Peter's Hospital anymore and the next nearest child oriented place is Mary Bridge in Tacoma (the good news is it is also the best drawing children in need of  help from as far away as Idaho, Alaska, Canada).  So Keith took him there. 

The diagnosis was swollen eye with early cellulitis. That scared me because that is what Keith keeps having in his foot. I can't imagine streaks travelling anywhere from his eye. We gave him the antibiotics and antihistamine. Spent a very LONG miserable night trying to decide if we should take him in again. Finally, about 2:00 (or was it 4:00?!?!?) Keith gave him a blessing. After that he quit coughing (not related to the bug bite) and slept. Whew!!
Sunday he looked a little better.
This is what it looks like today.  Just like someone popped him in the eye.

I told him that he needs to stop blinking (see previous post) and this is what he did.


  1. His eye looks so much better! I am glad that he is ok. I'm with you Karen, I have not had any interests in blogging, I have plenty to blog about, but I always have time to look at everyone elses blog.

  2. Oh my word! I'm glad he's doing okay. Those were some pretty crazy pictures! Thankful for priesthood blessings!
