Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sealing trip--- SEALING DAY!!!

We were to be at the temple 8:00 am. We were a little late trying to get everyone put together. I worried about Ryah letting someone else get her dressed. I talked to her (and Kristina) about Kristina helping her get dressed in her pretty white dress. Apparently, she only threw a little fit. Our sealer was a very long time friend Lee Anderson. It was pretty impressive when we were sitting in the sealing room and all of our beautiful children dressed in pure white entered very reverently. It was neat to see their awe at the people, the room, the mirrors.
After being sealed the girls did very well greeting all their aunts and uncles, many of whom they hadn't met yet. Then we went outside and got pictures.

This is us with Bishop Anderson, our sealer.

With the Jones cousins. At least the ones that were there.
With the Nielson cousins-- some of them.

Exploring the temple grounds.
The girls (and all the kids, for that matter) had a lot of fun with their Uncles. Here is Uncle Sam...
And Uncle Wayne- showing them how to make snap dragons snap.

Elijah was the typical boy. Big ol bruise on his cheek, hair sticking up like Alfalfa, grass stains on his knees.

We then went to the park and had a nice luncheon. A lot of the food was left overs from the wedding dinner, still delicious! It was nice to just relax and chat with everyone. Too bad we missed Keith's sisters.
We drove to Bountiful after that and visited with Keith's family. All the kids loved being entertained by Uncle Steve. We had pizza to eat and enjoyed just chatting. Towards the end of the day the kids were soooooooo tired they were starting to act out. We amid fits of crying, pouting and yelling we put them to bed and with one exception they fell asleep quickly.
We can't complain, though. Through out the whole trip (and especially the sealing part) the kids were pretty well behaved. With the exception of this night there were no serious, long, or painful fits. Definately a "tender mercy" as this trip could have been a nightmare. Instead everyone had a very nice time and everyone was able to build relationships with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. And isn't that what life is all about? The relationships.
And I'll tell a lttle about the trip home to save you all from another post.
We got a late start driving home, didn't leave until 11:00, Utah time. We pretty much drove the whole time with only stops for gas and potty breaks. We didn't get home until 3:00 am our time. Keith drove most of the way, except for the couple of hours I drove while he slept off a head ache.
All in all a very successful trip!!!
Now to get ready for school.

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