Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Miriam's Birthday

I'm playing catch-up.
Miriam is 9 years old. She begged and pleaded that I do an indian cake. I caved in and made her this Pocahontas cake, (because I have to have a pattern and she couldn't find on suitable). You should have heard the cussing (g-rated, of course) that was happening. Now I remember why I don't do people, and have forbidden all the children to request any people. I also called upon Jonas and his knowlege of the color wheel and used a whole lot of experimentation to get the colors that you see.

She got a baby doll from Grandma Nielson and some money from Grandma J. From us she recieved a mini sewing machine and some fabric.

I'm just getting more and more behind. Now I need to take birthday pcitures of Anastasia, Alina, and Miriam. Maybe things will calm down after school starts.


  1. Wow! That is one terrific cake! You are a pro at cake decorating!! I try not to cuss (not always g rated) when baking in general. Ha ha!

  2. You did pretty good! Happy belated B-Day! When R was little I made all her cakes. I tried to keep it up with each additional child but now I just buy them from the store!
