Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ryah's Birthday

I'm sorry but I'm just enjoying seeing the girls experience all this "new" stuff. Today is Ryah's birthday. She turns 5 years old. I wrapped her presents and put them on her chair at the table. When she sat down to eat breakfast she got all upset because there was things on her chair. When the other girls explained to her that they were for her she got a big grin on her face and asked "Ryah?" I said, "yes, Ryah's." Then she had a dilema, she couldn't put the presents down because she wanted to sit and eat but she couldn't sit and eat because she had her arms full of presents. After I helped her set them on the floor, we sat down to eat she kept looking back at her presents and saying "Ryah." A couple of times she said "Ana-tasia?" (her way of saying Anastasia, much better than what she used to call her), to which I would say "no, Ryah's." She just couldn't believe they were for her. After we ate we gathered everyone together so she could open them. Everytime she grabbed a new present to open she kept saying "eat?" No, it isn't to eat. :) She liked the blanket Jonas had crocheted for her. She liked (but was confused) by the blanket Kristina gave her... it was Kristina's blanket. She liked the clothes she got (a pair of pants and two matching shirts--we don't usually get clothes but she doesn't have very many clothes) She liked the play diaper bag and she LOVED the baby. "Baby, baby, baby." Then she was TOTALLY excited when she opened the baby stroller. I had to dodge everyone else to get pictures of her opening presents, everyone was so excited!!
I should have known, she is now wearing the pants and BOTH shirts.
We are having cake and icecream tonight when Dad gets home from work.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. Will probably download somemore after cake.

Baby, baby, baby

Diaper bag

She LOVES the stroller, Mom, it was perfect!!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a comment you left on Debbie's blog. Welcome home and congrats on your new daughters!
