Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guilt and other random musings

I know I don't post here like I should. I'll try to do better.
On saturday we had the kids move wood out of the rain onto the porch to dry to be burned. Keith and I were each working on something else (Keith was taking off the letters that say "St Paul's Ministries" with the pastor's name and address off our new 15 passenger van, I was splitting wood for kindling).
All the other kids were getting Ryah and Elijah to help each other carry logs to the wheelbarrow and then to the stack. It was fun to watch:
"Ryah help Elijah"
"Elijah helping."
"Good Job, guys"
"Mom, look Ryah and Elijah are working together"
In a family this big you almost always have someone fighting with someone else so it is nice when everyone is working together...
I'll take it.
and to a useful end.
I'll take that ANYTIME.
Although we had to re-do the stack of wood. They got it all full and were just putting on the last logs and the whole stack fell over on top of Anastasia. It wasn't stacked very well. I saw it happen and expected many broken bones and lots of blood. But she "popped up like a daisy" (as Keith said). She only had a small scrape on her head and a couple bruises, one on her leg and one on her ankle.

I have also been a little frustrated (faithless??) about how to teach these girls the gospel. It is really hard to get a discussion of religious things going without a lot of words that they just don't understand. And mostly our Family Nites are refereeing :). But today Alina was asking about dying and if everyone dies. I pulled out my visual aids and she, I and Kristina had a nice chat about the Plan of Salvation and how EVERYONE dies (they couldn't get over that, Kristina still maintains she WON'T) but that we are resurrected and live again. (Ha, so they DID listen at that family home). Maybe we are getting somewhere.

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