Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Physical gotcha day

February 17- Tuesday
We woke up and got all ready to take the party food to the orphanage, pick up the girls and go get passport pictures taken. Oh, we had to pile into two cabs, we didn’t fit into one. LOL
Getting pictures taken was the LOOOOOOOOONGEST three hours of my life. There was a line all the way down the hall (not sure if it was passports and/or something else). So we are waiting in this hall with 5 children forever! Keith and I ended taking them outside to play. But then it would get too cold and we would have to go in to warm up until they got bored and loud enough to have to go back out again. That wasn’t to bad. Certainly do-able.
When it was FINALLY our turn is when everything hit the fan. Keith had to go in with Kostya and one girl to sign whatever needed to be signed. That left me, 3 girls and an ornery 2 year old. I think someone told Elijah that he was 2 years old. The last couple of days he has been throwing fits, yelling at the top of his lungs, hitting, biting, the whole 9 yards. Time out has become a ritual. Actually, I think he is becoming defensive from so many new people, attack hugs and teasing. Anyway, he is wandering down the hall (remember it is full of people) and I’m trying to keep him by me. He’s screaming at the top of his lungs, “No, Bime out.” Meanwhile, Anastasia is bugging them in the passport room so I have to keep her out of that room, she runs to the next door (to another hall) and opens it. Great! We are now yelling down 2 halls. I close that door, she goes back to the passport door. Back and forth, back and forth. Finally, I grab her and hold her and she screams. Now, two kids are screaming. Alina is whining that she is bored and wants to go outside. Ryah is trying to get me to hold her. Kristina is rough housing Elijah and he doesn’t like it so he pinches her. Now she is crying. This whole time we are trying to cycle through the girls getting pictures taken. I got really irritated with Kostya, because at one time when Anastasia actually made it in the passport door he shoved her back out and gave me a dirty look. To his defense it probably wasn’t a dirty look, but I read it as “why can’t you control these children.” I was tired, hot and irrited.
When it was FINALLY, FINALLY all over. Kostya rushed us to a cab to get us back to the orphanage to start the party. He had to go back to the passport office to do some more paperwork. I was in no mood to go to a party. But the show must go on.
At the orphanage we laid all the food out. I was feeling much better but still very tired. It still amazes me that the kids at the orphanage are so quick to help. The girls had fun passing out cookies and candy to their friends. There were lots of pictures taken by me and the caregiver.
Kostya came in during the festivites and said “Did you bring the girls’ clothes?” No, we didn’t bring their clothes, we brought the food and haven’t been back. I guess I was still irritated at him. (I didn’t say that to him, by the way). He and Keith went back to the apartment to get the girls’ clothes and (I found out later) to get all our stuff loaded into the taxis.
Once again, clothes and backpacks and clothes packages where everywhere. But we got them all dressed in THEIR clothes and went out to the taxis. Then off to the hotel. It was funny trying to keep track of girls and luggage and trying to walk through the long courtyard to get into the hotel. Just like in the movies, with the sun behind them came Elder and Sister Thatcher and two Elders to help. They all scooped up a bag and a hand of any girl who would and hauled us all into the hotel. Elder York (he is ZL) did the talking and got us a key to the room. They got our luggage an us all in the room. Sister Thatcher promised to bring us supper and they were off into the sunset. Just like in the movies.
At this point I was VERY tired. I was ready for a nap but girls were ready to explore. You never realize how much glass there is in a room until you have girls exploring. I was feeling like “What have I done?!?!” Keith wanted to go to the store to get food but I wouldn’t let him go. I didn’t want to be alone with all the kids. I was really tired. But after a bit the girls calmed down and I sent Keith to the store with Kristina to help.
He only had enough grivna to buy water, juice, cups and plates. We need to get some money changed. Luckily, we had some treats that we could calm the raging hunger beasts. We were all grateful when the Thatchers came with chicken, mashed potatoes and corn. It was sooooo yummy and sent directly from heaven!!!!
It took longer than expected to eat and get cleaned up so we were late for English class. The girls didn’t want to go in so we stood at the door and watched. Hopefully they will be a little bit braver on Thursday. We stayed for some chatting afterward and were much renewed.
Back at the hotel 3 of the girls had baths all tried on their new pajamas. We brushed teeth, said prayers, had several rounds of tucking in and kisses. Herded kids back to bed, had several more rounds of kisses. And at 10:00 finally fell asleep. LOL out of self defense.
As a side note, well, an important side note. I was REALLY irritated with Anastasia at the passport place. But here at the hotel she was folding clothes and putting them away so I grabbed her and gave her a big kiss and said “Thank you, you are wonderful.” After that she followed me around and was EXTREMELY helpful!! I gave her lots more praise and she was (if possible) even more helpful. I think I stumbled onto the key to her lock. Two polar extremes in one day. I’m starting to feel like I can do this parenting of 4 more children.
As another side note, a couple days ago Keith was working with the girls on saying the alphabet. Ryah made it through to X and then lost interest. Now whenever she needs anything she says, “X, X.” It is pretty funny!
And a picture
Aren't they beautiful?!?!

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