Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bear Reading

Miriam has really improved with her reading.  So much so that she was exited out of special needs reading last year.  There is just no stopping her.  She always has a book in her hands. 
This has really paid off for her in soooooo many ways. 
One very exciting one is this:
Every year our school holds Bear Reading in the spring.  This is where the kids keep track of their reading minutes for 2 weeks.  All participants get a new book and other prizes. Kids with the most minutes in each grade also earn a ride to school on the local fire truck.

 Miriam was one of the top readers for 6th grade.
 The firemen picked her up at our house with flashing lights and blaring syrens. (Miriam was first as we live the farthest away).   They then picked up two other students.
Then, amid cheering from student and staff, they came with flashing lights and blaring syrens to the school.

 Big grin, from ear to ear that won't be supressed.... and one from Miriam, as well.

 Big HUGE kudos to the firemen to do this for our kids!!  (It is also not uncommon, to see them playing on the playground with the kids).  They even let Elijah climb in, and encouraged him to read next year so he could have a ride.

Yeah, Miriam!!!  Keep doing what "they" think you can't and you will go far!

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