Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our house is a dangerous place...

if you are made of fabric. 
As part of Grandma J's Christmas present I purchased some underwear for Ryah.  We are forever searching for underwear for her in the mornings.  So I bought some more.  10 new pair.  They sat by the computer for a day waiting for me to find a sharpie marker and put "R"s on them (because in this house, if it isn't labelled it is fair game and a feeding frenzy ensues-- size is irrelevant).  Then she needed a pair to get dressed in the morning so I doubled my efforts and found a sharpie and labelled them.  I gave her one pair and then stacked the rest by the computer waiting for me to put away.  If you remember from a past post we keep all of Ryah's clothes in our room so I couldn't send someone else to put them away.  Therefore they sat by the computer for an hour or so more.  I guess I was driving Ryah nuts because she asked if she could put them away.  I told her, "yes, but put them by door."  And that is the last I saw of her underwear.  I have searched the house over.  I have asked Ryah a MILLION times where she put them.  She doesn't know.  They are just gone.  GONE.  G.O.N.E!
Most people have a black hole in their laundry.  I know all the clothes that go through the wash come out.  It is when they enter their rooms that their chances of coming out alive disappear.
And we still don't know what happened to a bag of clothes (Ryah's size, incidentally enough) that a friend (with expensive tastes) donated before the kids got home.  It somehow disappeared between when the people helping arrange our house put in her drawer and the week after they came home.

I'm tellin' ya.  If you are made of fabric staying away is your safest option.  If you should (against all sane advice) chose to enter herein, take a friend, and have someone on the outside notify the police if you don't return within the hour.

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