Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Poor Jonas

I think we are going to scar him for life...
Ok, remember a while back Jonas had that bad reaction to his allergy shots? The one we narrowly avoided going to the hospital with?
Ya, well, a myriad of dr appointments and lots of medicines later we think we got it figured out and he was back to getting shots (still only once a week, though).
Well, today, after another routine allergy shot, he had another reaction. This time he decided to wait until he was in the car on the way to school (which was AFTER the 30 minutes- which they bumped up from 20 minutes). Since he and Keith was closer to the school and he doesn't have a nebulizer in his car he stopped there and had back to back treatments. Then took him back to the doctor. After another, different kind of treatment and a steroid shot the doctor declared him ready to go back to school.
Where was I during all this????
At another doctor's getting testing done to see what I'm allergic to. And now I know where Jonas gets it. I'm allergic to almost every kind of tree, grass, and weed known to man (and probably a few NOT known to man) and most animals. Guess I'll be joining he and Keith in getting the shots.
And Jonas? Jonas is tired and has a headache but so far seems to be staying at school.


  1. Poor Jonas, I hope he is feeling better. Doesn't it seem if it is not one thing it is another? Never a dull moment!

  2. Hang in there buddy! Feel better soon!! :)
