Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fashion Show

Thanks to Grandma J's generous Christmas gift we were able to purchase clothes and shoes and other essentials for the kids.  And trust me, they were very much needed, for the girls, yes, but also the rest of the children.  While I feel bad because it has taken me so long to get around to shopping I seem to have chosen a good time to shop and got some screaming deals!!

I laid out all the clothes, to see what I had and get them ready to try on.
The big boys' clothes

The girls' clothes

But first I made them try on all their old clothes and pass down the ones that were too small and get rid of the ones that were beyond repair.  Some of the ones Kristina had (and was wearing) didn't even fit Ryah without showing her belly button.  I never figured it would be so hard to keep kids in clothes that fit and weren't falling apart.  :)  And multiply that by 8.  It is mind boggling.

Elijah is definately my son.  He is in between sizes all the time.  He had this shirt and one that had Lightning McQueen on it.  He couldn't decide which to wear and went back and forth between them for a while then just put this one on top of the other one.  LOL  I can't believe I bought these.  I'm not one for characters (for many reasons (they are dated, they are free advertising, I like to look at the child not their clothes ect.) but he loved them and they were so cheap.  And I very rarely buy anything that isn't on sale.  I tell Keith all the time that he married a very cheap wife. :)

Kristina wanted me to take pictures of all her clothes.  Thank goodness for digital!

Miriam kinda shot up these last couple of months.  The boys are very grateful that all the girls now have shirts that don't show their belly buttons when they raise their arms.

Anastasia kept saying, "It's so pretty!!"

The girls are really into tights (it is all they wear in Ukraine and they got Miriam into them too).  These cute ones were clearanced to 99 cents and I couldn't resist. :)

You can take the girls out of Ukraine but you can't take Ukraine out of the girls.  Tights and boots.  If I had a penny for every time they have asked me for boots I could retire and live like a king in Patagonia.  The boots we got them in Ukraine are LOOOOOOONG gone. Worn out to the nubbins.

Jonas tolerated the fashion show but got yelled at quite a bit for walking in on girls changing.  I keep thinking that Miriam will be taller than Jonas but when I checked them the other day he is still taller.  He must be shooting up too.

Ryah tried on all the clothes.  Didn't matter if they were in her pile or not.  When she had tried everything on she started over again.  As always she was drawn to the boy clothes.  But don't think she looks good in pink?

Caleb liked the new clothes but didn't particularly like the fashion show.  He also wasn't too tolerable of the picture taking. He has really shot up too.  I think that kid is taller than me.  I keep telling him to stop (complete with pushing down on his head) but he doesn't listen.

All these clothes and only one shirt and one pair of tights didn't fit.
Now to teach the girls the fine art of coordinating clothes...

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