Saturday, January 23, 2010

Date Night

Through a strange twist of quirky fate, we were left with only Elijah and Ryah last night.  I couldn't pass that up and talked Keith in to going out to eat.  We chose the Mayan.  It was nice that they have crayons and pictures to color.  The nice waiter brings us chips and salsa. 
Ryah says, "Who brought us chips?" 
Our waiter.
Process, process....
We then proceeded to teach her the fine art of not double dipping.  After about 10 or 15 chips the salsa finally hit her.  "Don't like it, Mom, don't like it."  Well, you don't have to eat it.  But she did anyway, over and over again.
A waitress came and filled up our water. 
"Who gave us water?" 
A nice lady. Our glasses were empty so she filled them up for us.  Wasn't that nice of her?
Process, process...
Our waiter brings our food.  Quesedillas, beans, and rice for Elijah and Ryah.
"Who brought us food?"
Our waiter.  He is the man who brings us food when we eat at a resteraunt.
"We go home and eat supper?"
No, we are eating here.  This is supper.
Process, process...
"We gonna live here?"
No, this isn't a house, this is just a place to eat.  This is a resteraunt.  We eat at a resteraunt and then we go home.
It was pretty funny.  She couldn't wrap her mind around the whole eating out thing.  It isn't like we haven't taken her out to eat before.  We have, once, but it was when everything was still so new. 
But is was also a sad commentary.  First, that she isn't experienced with eating out... shows you how often we eat out. 
But on a deeper level this is food issues popping up.  To be surprised to have someone bring you food without any seeming work on your part.  To assume that the place that we eat has to be the place that we live.  At home, if I am a little slow making a meal I immediately have 3 dark haired girls offering to to it.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the help.  However, to not rely on a person in authority to provide for you... is that an indicator of where we are in attaching?  Or is it just the food issues.  Maybe they will always have those forever.  I wish everything didn't have to be so deep. 
So, we will back up.  We had a fun time on our date with the littlest ones, had a good laugh and ate some good food.  :)

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