Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 24- Saturday

January 24, Saturday
We are settling into a routine. Wake up, eat, visit orphanage, eat, take a nap, visit orphanage, eat, crash in bed, wake up at 4:00 am, type on computer, fall asleep again, wake up, eat, visit orphanage ect. It is becoming good for Elijah because up until now we haven’t had a routine of which to speak. I think it is good for the girls too.
Between orphanage visits Luba showed us where the grocery store is. We were getting low and only had some milk left. So we picked up lots of dumplings (in several unknown varieties), 2 big jugs of water, some butter and sour cream for the dumplings, a large (at least for here) loaf of bread, a couple bricks of cheese, some granola, more milk, and some, ok lots of yogurt. Can you tell I felt a little conspicuous. I think people go to the market everyday and get what they need for the next. Therefore they only have a small sack of food. Speaking of sacks, you have to pay to get sacks. So every time we go to the store we get one sack. Pretty soon we won’t have to buy any.
Tonight was a pretty wild visit with the girls. I was glad to leave so that (hopefully) they calmed down for the workers
Two days ago, we met a family who has been here since December- through all the holiday season/ closures. They are adopting a boy that they hosted. They told us that our two oldest went with the same group to be hosted. So we wanted to get their email address and phone number. Today, we found out that they have hit a snag. Their ten day wait period was up yesterday and on the 11th day they were supposed to be able to pick up the paperwork and head to Kyiv. Igor (whoever that is) called and left a message and said that some papers were filed. So they can’t get a hold of anyone to get any information about it. They are very frustrated and could use some prayers and company. We’ll be glad to give them both.
We found out what the girls’ favorite colors are. I will use that information to help buy clothes with. Now if I could just figure out sizes. But maybe I’m jumping the gun. They still haven’t formally said that they wanted to be adopted.

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