Friday, January 9, 2009

Can you say AHHHHHHH!!!!!

I just looked at my blog and read that we only have 12 days until our appointment. Is it time to panic yet!?!?!?!?!?!

LOL I feel better now so I'm getting some stuff done but I'm afraid our spare bedroom won't be ready for little bodies to sleep in until after we come home. But hey, clothes are all washed, things are all gathered (not packed yet, though), treats all bought, as well as staples for those who are staying home,lists are made up and Dalmatian ears and tails are all made for the kids and their play (that we miss :( Thank goodness for friends with video cameras) Now I need to collect email addresses, phone numbers, web addresses and our list of names :)


  1. Hello,

    Our blog has gone private but I do not have your email to add you to have permission, currently you are "Following"! I want to add you, please email me at to be added!

  2. Its almost time! How exciting. Can't wait to follow your joueny.
