Thursday, March 17, 2011

Love Notes

I have about 12 posts started waiting for me to finish.  I can't seem to get to them with Alina going to school at home (explained in one of said posts).  I hope to get to them soon...

I found this note the other day.  I think you can click on it and make it bigger (except maybe not in emails).  It may not seem like much, this laundry list of cleaning.  But most of the time, Ryah is hard to be around.  She makes demands, whines, and screams when she doesn't get her way.  I think this is Miriam's attempt at helping Ryah. (For now Ryah's permanent chore is folding and hanging up clothes, because it is something I can help her with).

They say to adoptive parents, "don't expect them to thank you for adopting them. It will be a looooooooong time before they do."  This note was particularly sweet, because it was a long and trying week with Anastasia, full of screaming, tantrums, rages and overall general uncooperation.

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