Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Glasses- a new look

It is a major sore spot, this whole glasses thing.
Alina is a constant battle to wear her glasses.  All day every day she is losing them, setting them down in a dangerous place or breaking them. (that is only a slight exageration-- maybe it isn't ALL day, just MOST of the day). And finally, finally she lost them for good.  She was spinning on the spika at school and they flew off (no big surprise, I'm surprised that they stay on at all).  But instead of looking for her glasses she goes in to class because the bell rang.  Hello?  So she has been without for about a month.
Anastasia usually does pretty well wearing her glasses if you can get her to remember in the morning.  However, Anastasia's glasses have been broken so many times that the ladies and Pearle Vision cringe when we come into the store.  The ear pieces have been replaced 2 times each.  The piece that holds the ear piece now can't hold the earpiece on anymore. Now she only has one earpiece. So as a result they don't stay on her nose, so (understandably) she hates to wear them.
Miriam does really well with her glasses if, like Anastasia, you remind her in the morning to put them on.  She only once in a while puts them in unsafe places.  However, about 2 weeks ago she came into show me that the bar that holds the top on the lense on was broken and her lense was missing.
Caleb always remembers to wear his glasses (maybe becasue he literally can't see a thing without them).  I've never see him put them in dangerous places.  However, he sometimes sleeps in them.  But the hinges that are so popular for kids the ones that bend both ways so they don't get broken, if they get broken they can't be fixed.  And for some reason this happens with Caleb A LOT.  Currently both are broken, we have taped them sooo many times that they are both really sticky from the tape.  (oh, and for the record, there isn't a tape made that will hold broken hinges together for longer than a day).
And to top it all off none of them are due for frames or lenses on our insurance.
So, we took them to Walmart. 
Love that place.  Where else can you get frames for $10?  Where else can you get a whole set for $38?
The nice man found Anastasia some frames which will hold her lenses perfectly.  For $9.99.  Wahooo.  I'll take it!

He also found ones that would fit Caleb's lenses but they were going to be $95. Better to go with the $38 special. We picked out frames for he and Miriam and have them on order. (pictures to come)
And Alina?  Well, for Alina we bought some "Training Glasses."  Training glasses are glasses that don't break the bank (or the sanity) if they get lost or broken.  Training glasses even come wtih their own lenses.  And you know what?  Alina has remembered to have her glasses on every day since then.  Maybe soon she'll be big enough to get some real ones.

Admittedly, all these glasses are all probably... shall we say, less than high quality.  But the goal here is to keep everyone in glasses until they are allowed by our insurance to get real ones.

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