Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Considering that 4 of the children didn't even have any costume ideas yet, I think we did pretty well.

Jonas- Assasin
Miriam-  Siamese princess, the only costume that I really made.

Anastasia- Italian dinner- we found this idea, last minute, on the internet and Anastasia fell in love with it

Elijah- Spiderman Extraordinaire

He has been soooooooo excited for Halloween.  Since school started he has been asking "How many days until Halloween?"

Ryah- Beanie Baby.  For weeks everyone has been speculating on what they were going to be.  Ryah did only once, weeks ago then promptly forgot what it was.  I came up with this idea to freshen her costume from last year.  She didn't understand it, but loved everyone's reaction to it.

Alina- Pippi Longstocking.  This was her umpteen millionth choice and I made her stick to it the day before Halloween because I was getting whiplash.  She was very creative putting it together.

Kristina-Half Man, Half Woman. Got this idea off the internet, to, and she loved it.  Wish we could have had a little more time to put some more details in, but everyone loved it.

She had no idea what she wanted to be and then finally decided on a dress "like Miriam's" but we had no time to make it on Saturday.

Caleb- Don't know, but something with knives.  He wasn't going to dress up but I encouraged him to.  He was then glad because where we went Trick or Treating he was able to see a lot of his friends and they were all dressed up, too.
I don't like trick-or-treating so I usually find a carnival to take the kids to.  This year was no ecxeption.  However, we got running so late we figured it wasn't worth the drive.  We walked the neighborhood and another neighborhood in the ward, saw some friends and tried to visit one if Keith's co-workers (he wasn't home) That was just enough time and candy.  Fun times!

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