Sunday, August 29, 2010


I have many..... shall we say, diversions.  You name it, I've probably done it.
Near the end of school in June, I aquired another one.  Recipes.
I wanted to go through my recipes and try the ones I've never tried.  I intended on taking notes on them (Yummy, half the butter, add more water, that sort of thing) and getting rid of the ones that we didn't like.   It actually all started with a RS night where they discussed beans and gave us a bunch of recipes using beans.  I wanted to try all those recipes.  But I needed a place to put the recipes because no papers are safe in this house unless they are organized.  So I put them in a binder.  Then that led me to a blog called that has some great recipes, and I already have a binder to put them in.  But I can't put them in it until I've tried them.  So it kind of blew up and out of proportion then.  I was making menus just so that I could try the new recipes I was finding (darn, there are only 3 meals in a day). 
My family was loving it!!  They loved everything I tried.
So it is only logical that the kids would get in on it too.  So I let Caleb and Jonas (others will get one when they get older)  each have a binder and they weren't allowed to put a recipe in there until they tried it. (Even though I had long since thrown that rule out the window for myself- hypocrite!)
I kind of got out of it when we went on our trip to Utah, but I have emassed a nice repertoire of recipes that are "tried and true."  It will be a while before things get repetitious.  And the boys have a nice stash too.  And even better it has given them an excuse to cook before the girls get in the kitchen (food issues again). Hopefully, they will be prepared when they go on a mission and college.

Here is a link to a recipe we enjoy.  (I use flour rather than wheat).  You might have to scroll down a little bit.

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