Thursday, July 30, 2009

Memo to me

Ryah does NOT do well with the heat.

Everyone is more cranky and quick to get angry in the hot weather. But Ryah holds the award for crankiness above and beyond the call of duty.

It has been hot here. Let me rephrase that... it has been HOT here. Ok, so, for much of the country this is normal or at least not unusual, but for us who see the sun only 25 days out of the year (ok that part I'm making up, I don't know the stat on that, only that they do count it), those who count the consecutive days of no sun, those for whom 80 degree weather is hot, 102 degree weather is miserable.

And arguably Ryah is the most miserable. Yesterday was the hottest day in recorded history here. Hottest. day. ever. And Ryah began the morning fine, but it went downhill quickly. At playground pals she threw a fit (about what is anyone's best guess) and wouldn't move in the line to get her food. She stood in the way of everyone else, so, after several attempts at encouraging her to go, trying to convince her to get her food. I picked her up and moved her over to the table where all the others kids were sitting. The fit, of course, escalated and she ran over to the wall ("I no sit down," "I big angry.") I've learned from experience that when she gets this way it is best just to acknowlege her feelings, say something to the affect of "I'm sorry you aren't happy," and otherwise be non-commital while I wait for her to get control of herself. She won't let you hold her or do any of the other comfort techniques you would use with other kids.
Well, she stood there the whole time we were eating and then finally decided that she was hungry enough to cooperate and came over to our table. But by this time the ladies had stopped serving food. I offered her Elijah's uneaten food but she would have none of that. Another fit ensued but it was short as she realized (at least I hope that she realized) that her actions were the direct cause of her not eating.
Then those who didn't want to stay at playground pals went to WalMart to get some chemicals to make the pool habitable (as well as some other things). Well, while I was trying to figure out what chemicals we needed for the pool, she started throwing another fit. Once again, I have no idea why. This one lasted for most of the hour we were at WalMart. Now normally I would just pick up and go home and not finish. However, with Keith gone I have to take advantage of not having ALL 8 kids to go shopping and other errands. Anyway, she screamed at the top of her lungs for much of this time. Screamed harder, louder and longer than 99% of her previous fits. It was about this time that Jonas called complaining about his eye, he couldn't open it ect (I think we figured out that he got sunscreen in it) and wanted us to pick him up. I instructed him to rinse it out as best he could and we would be there as soon as we could. So because I'm trying to hurry to get through the store and back to help him, I just grab Ryah's hand and pull (luckily not drag) her through the store screaming. Finally, when we were headed to the canning section to get some pectin she threw herself on the floor, "I no go."
Now what?
I let her sit there while I picked out pectin.
Still screaming she changed her tune "I go." Ok Ryah if you calm down and stop screaming you can come with us. "I go," still screaming. After about 23 of those she finally calmed down enough to let me hold her and rub her back for a minute and let me put her in the basket (She is a brick, and hasn't learned how to "help" being held so I can't hold her for very long). Then she said "I water." She needs water, the poor girl. I have been trying to keep everyone hydrated, but apparently not been doing a good job of it.
Ok, fast forward to the evening. I have treated and tested the pool and found it safe for human habitation and we are all raring to go swimming. Ryah gets her swimming suit and asked me to help her put it on. Ok, let me get mine on and grab Elijah's and I'll help both of you at the same time. Apparently, that was offensive. She went ballistic. I had had enough (and I don't deal well with heat either) so I marched her off to bed and told her she could come out when she stopped screaming. (I think I'm going deaf!!!)
Well, in record time she realized that if she didn't calm down she wouldn't get to go swimming. Hey, we are getting somewhere. She's starting to realize the consequences of her actions (I hope). She used to just throw a fit until she was exhausted enough to fall asleep and then wake up normal but having missed all the fun. Feeling self-regulation, something I don't take for granted anymore.
Anyway, she came down, somewhat calm and said she wanted to go swimming. I helped her into her swimming suit and we all went out.
Well, the day wasn't over, there were still fits to be thrown, apparently.
I got in. Elijah got in. I held him. Ryah climbed the ladder and for some as yet to be determined reason started throwing another fit. So, I finally convince her to stop screaming and (one handed) helped her down the ladder. I held both her and Elijah and let them play. Then she started crying again, I think this time she got splashed on so maybe she was "justified"?!?!?! I tried, and tried to get her calmed down to no avail. Well, I'm not going to hold her anymore and hear that right in my ear (did I mention that I think I'm going deaf?!?!?), so I set her back on the ladder and told her she could get back in when she stopped screaming. It took her about 20 minutes to finally calm down enough. Then she played and had lots of fun.
Wow, we haven't had that many fits from her in a day since the first month we were home. I hope it is the heat and not regression.

As a side note, it is interesting to see her in the pool. I think watching her in the pool you see the indicator of her progress in attaching. But maybe that is fodder for another post.

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