Thursday, September 8, 2011

A rock

Now, there is not much around here that I can't (not to mention won't) handle by myself with help from the kids.  I'll tackle most things and generally, with some kid muscles and time.   Most of the time (as long as there are no hefty decisions) I manage to be relatively successful in crossing lots of minor things off our list.
I've come to the realization that I have met my match, found my kryptonite, my achilles heel:
And no, it isn't this cute little boy (though the others would argue with that, probably), but his nice little seat.  

This rock reared it's deceptively small, ornery head when the kids and I were digging holes in the circle to plant more blueberry plants before going to Utah.  Knowing that Dad has a personal vendetta (and seeks revenge for a mangled tractor tiller) against all things rocklike lurking in the ground, especially big things rocklike, we set to work digging it out. After about two hours of digging (the kids spelling each other off) we had uncovered it enough to get a big 20 pound prybar underneath it.
For another hour we worked, dug, pried, cussed, er I mean sweated and pushed.  We managed to get it up about 3 inches by lifting and stuffing dirt and rocks underneath it.  Only then did I remember that we seem to have this big, red, ugly, smog-belching, beast in our back yard that was built for such a quest.  And?!?!  I have a key.  So I fired her up and brought her on over for a try at the monster.
For another hour we worked.  The kids pushing and directing and I steering and pushing the gas pedal.  No such luck.  The angle was all wrong.  Without digging up the road or squishing the newly planted blueberries there was no way that rock was gonna budge.
We could really use some magic to help lift and transport.

But have no fear, we threw the proverbial tablecloth over it and consider our selves lucky that we now have a nice way to keep people from making our driveway creep into the blueberries...  At least until Keith gets time to get the backhoe for the tractor put together to help us win the battle.

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