Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Easter 2011

(Once again most of these pictures are taken by someone else.  I think I'm training up some photographers, right?  That's my story and I'm sticking to it)

A big nest that Alina and Elijah made to hold their eggs (and themselves).

Yeah!!  Peach blossoms that made it past the deer.
And apple blossoms.
Flowers that Keith bought me for Easter.

Anastasia's Easter basket.... almost as big as her grin. At our house the Easter bunny comes on Saturday, while Sunday is reserved for discussions about Easter and why we celebrate it, what are the symbols ect.

This year we distracted the "little" kids with a movie while the older kids (Caleb, Jonas, Kristina and Miriam) stuffed and hid Easter eggs. 

Then they helped the younger ones find them.  Turns out that was THE funnest way to do it.  All the kids asked if we could do it that way again next year.  (with the possible change of letting Alina and Anastasia join the "big kids")

Someone else joined in.

Even Tessa enjoyed the commotion.

Our yard isn't much to look at, but boy is it the bees knees for an egg hunt.

I love that my kids love to hang out with each other. despite the obvious differences (in age and other things).
Of their own accord, they emptied out the eggs and divided up the candy evenly.

Yup, part them flowers so I can get to the real view!!

Decorating eggs.

Anastasia's homemade bib.

I catch the "after-holiday" sales and get lots of different kinds of  egg dying kits.  It is always fun to see what ones are fun and what ones are duds.  This one was a BIG hit!!!

Keith tolerates the whole egg dying thing.

They all also liked the stickers.
And the marble kit.

We also like eating the eggs.  We do about 10 dozen eggs and the kids get to take one for lunches and  if (I stress the IF) there are any left over after a couple days we make egg salad sandwiches.

They like the candy also.
One big happy family.

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