Friday, May 11, 2012

OHOP Village and Pioneer Farm

This is one of my favorite field trips to go on.  Ohop Native American Village and Pioneer Farm.
We started out on the Pioneer side.  We got to go in the cabin where the kids got to do the chores the pioneer children did.

After the brief explanation of all the things that they do, what does Anastasia go to very first??  The shaving station.  She shaved 3 boys' whiskers and then got her own shaved.

Of course I have to notice the crocheting.

Anastasia washing the pioneer clothes.  (The girls used to wash their clothes this way in Ukraine so it wasn't much of a stretch.)

She got her hair curled by a curling iron warmed up over a oil lantern.

She also got to grate cinnamon, grind coffee, chop carrots,  and play with pioneer toys.
(Mara, does this give you any ideas for the jean quilt?)

Milking a cow.  Anastasia and cows go waaaaaaaaay back.   Ask her sometime about her cow story.

One of the boys in our group was obsessed with catching each and everyone of the chickens.

Another boy in our group stripping logs the old fashioned way.

Riding the springboard.

Then we ate lunch (always an important part) and moved on to the Ohop village side.  They have sections set up that tells about the natives activities during each season.

An box drum, decorated in the typical Pacific Northwest motifs.

Making arrowheads.

Cedar bark basket and tanned ermine hide, on loan from the Nisqually tribe.

They had lots of necklaces, hats, and cedar bark skirts/capes for the kids to dress up in.

They got to make a cotton bracelet on the Pioneer side.  Braclets with bones and teeth (really only beans and noodles) and rings out of pounded cedar bark on the Native American side.

Bear grass basket.  (oh to make things like this.....)

Anastasia and her "friendly mark", marks that say you are ok to be among the tribe.
She got to shoot a bow and arrow,  play ring toss games, try to start a fire with a stick, play basket ball with a felted ball, and try to tell an animal by it's fur and tracks.
A very entertaining, educational, and fun (if tiring) field trip!

Follow in His Ways

Ryah was so excited to be baptized.  For the last week she has been asking a billion questions about it.  (As a side note, this is a huge improvement in communication that she has made).

She was a little nervous about being dunked under the water but Keith made it quick and she did wonderfully!

She looked beautiful and very happy!
For the record. 5 May 2012.  Baptized and confirmed by her Daddy, Keith Aaron Jones.

As is tradition, because we usually don't have any visitors to make a big meal for, (and it wouldn't be a treat to have a meal for just us) Ryah chose a place to go eat (The Mayan- appropriate for Cinco de Mayo don't you think).

Congratulations to the newest member of our ward!

Next Plateau

From Corner of house
 From 1st fruit tree
From Chinook street

 MISC pictures
 Elijah and his friend, Addie, playing prison in my fruit room.  Can't wait until we get walls and shelves up, banish our foodstorage to here and reclaim our living space.

Upstairs standing in the north east corner and looking toward the toy room window.
 In the north west corner looking at a handsome boy.  Sometime in the future, when we can save up enough money that stairway will disappear and we'll make a couple more rooms and a bathroom up here.  For now it will be a room to catch flies and kids when it is rainy outside.
Our garden (newly tilled, yeah!) from (what will be) the boys' new window.

.Roof Over Our Head

They waited for a couple of days to begin the roof because they wanted  to have a couple rain-free days before they tore into the old roof.  (Ha ha, in Western Washington?  That is funny!!)
From corner of house

From first fruit tree

From Chinook Street


Everyone in the house took turns being sick except myself and Caleb (well, he had a cold but never got the high fever-cought-sore throat thing)  This was toward the tail end when Miriam, Elijah and Kristina were sick.

Onward and Upward

From orner of the house

From first fruit tree
From chinook street

From back door

From upstairs toy room window