Thursday, October 21, 2010

Badges: complaining or bragging.... you choose


I have been putting off sewing on badges for about 1 year and a half.  I just wrote the child's name on the back and put it in a bag with their name on it and then in a big bag to keep all the bags contained. 
Well, I pulled that bag out last month intending to stop procrastinating.  When I got everything laid out I realized just how many I had to do.  But alas, the power of procrastination was too strong. Somehow I got distracted and didn't get back to it until today.  I was bound and determined to finish sewing these on or die trying.

 These are the little aprons that the kids got the first time they went to Lowe's to do their kids' wood workshop (Can't remember the official name right now).  Each time they build something they get a patch.  Elijah's got obsconded with so it didn't make the pictures.  I lost count how many of these I had to sew on and how many were already sewn on.

Anastasia's Girl scout vest. New this year.  I was going to tell you the long drawn out story of how we started out with a Daisy vest, but it isn't interesting and kids are going to be home from school, demanding my attention to hear about their day, so you are spared.  22 patches here. (in case it isn't clear these pictures are front and back)

Miriam's Junior Sash. Ditto about the story of this.  New this year.  20 badges here.

Kristina's Brownie vest. (last year) The flag and brown patches and numbers were all that were sewn on. All the rest I did today.
and her Junior Vest for this year. New this year.  Only 10 here.

Caleb and Jonas had a merit badge frenzy over the summer. Here are Caleb's.  Six were sewn on before.

My sewing machine is smoking and my fingers hurt.

But wait,

I'm not done yet........

True to form, Alina can't find her vest.  But here are her badges.

I need to get my rear in gear and drive to the scout store to buy Jonas a sash. Luckily, the Girl Scout store is by Keith's work and he can stop there on his way home.  But the Boy Scout store is waaaay down south not by anything else.  I just need to take a day and go.  Anyway, here are his badges.  Pretty good for not even being 12 yet.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Elijah turns 4!!!!

I have been a slacker about posting this one... just like I've been a slacker about taking yearly pictures of the kids (I'm now behind 5 children).

Elijah wanted a fireworks cake.  I was looking through the cake pans just to see what we had and saw this one. I'd never made this one before and asked if he wanted it.  He said yes, but later (after his birthday was over) said that he wanted a fireworks cake.  I guess I talked him into it.  :(  But he did have fun helping me make it and decorate it.

He got Woody and Buzz for his birthday.  And he loves them.....
But everyone else likes them more.

Who cares what the cake looks like... as long as it tastes good!

These are BY FAR his favorite presents!  Mater, Lightening McQueen and Doc Hudson.

He sleeps with these on his pillow because he can't bear to put them down.
Happy Birthday, Bugaboo!!  (Did I tell you that you CAN'T grow up?!?!?!?!)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Garumph went the little green frog one day.......

As far as critters that the kids bring home, I'll take this one over snakes, anyday (and twice on Sundays). 


 These buggers are fast!